100 acres of herbal leys, established grass and kale available immediately until 15th March 2025 with potential to run on, subject to weather. Maximum 180 ewes, no lambs at foot, no lambing. Attention to livestock will be provided by the on site landowner, subject to limited liability. Fee payable in advance. Guide price £4,000.
Herbal leys (established) – 33 acres
Herbal leys (new) – 24 acres
Rye grass/clover ley—10.5 acres
Established pasture—30 acres
Kale tilled early August 2024—7 acres
Total—100 acres
Two blocks of land;
Land at Venn Farm, Cheriton Fitzpaine, EX17 4JU What3Words ///villager.drama.withdraws

Land off Scratchface Lane, Cadbury, EX5 5QA What3Words ///shun.translate.struck

For further information please contact Lizzie Chance 07738 162673 or lizzie@westcountryrural.co.uk, marketing particulars available here.